ok so as you may or may not know. I have been going through some
HARD times. so I can't post as much as I would like to.
BUT I found time to draw something for myself. something Buff and Stuff. anyways, I hope you like it. and as always I'll see you next post!
Crazy !
Great piece, man!
Very good job on shadow and light and excellent muscle exaggeration, congrats !!!
HEEEEEYYYYYY BIG D!! OH my goodness how awesome it was to hear to hear from you man! I just took some time this morning and went through the post that I have missed cause I have been working as well. MY goodness Daminon!! You have been working your behind off Dude. I LOVED EVERYTHING!!! I do mean EVERYTHING!! You are so freaking awesome with a brush dude. I can stay and look at this eye candy for hours. You are an inspiration. You really are.
Darth Maul never looked so good he he he he! The video was da bomb!
Hey man, I'm so sorry to hear about your hard times. I don't ever like to hear about things like that. Life is happening all around us and hard times don't last always. they really don't. When hard times comes, they really come to grows in some way. Hey at 46 I'm still growing and learning and it don't always feel good either. I've learn to let some things roll off and I have also learned to walk away from crazy and focus on what is really important and that I can't put my 20x30 visions in no 3x5 card mind. I found that I can't share everything with everybody even when it's family or a very close friend. I've got stuff I'm fighting with everyday why am I trying to add their @#$# to the dang pot! I do know this D, when it all gets to hard, if you can, just get quiet. I know it sounds simple, but it's hard to do because there are so many voices. Try to quite yourself so you can hear what is being said to you. Trust me, something is being said. I'm not your mama and I know you didn't ask for this whole long comment, but I really dig your work and you are a beautiful soul. When hard times hit know that it has only come to take you to the next level and to make you stronger and wiser for your journey ahead. Keep your head up.
Hugs Dude
That's awesome, sir.
Whoa! Can't I borrow just a little of his muscles? comon...justttttttt a little tiny bit????? Look at him, he won't miss it! :P
Awesomeeeeeeeee pieces as everything you do. GENIUS!
* I'm with Vanessa here...I know all about facing hard times too, but I have to admit the fact that everything that I've been through so far has made me who I am, and made me stronger. I probably wouldn't think the way I do or be the person that I am now if it wheren't fot this experiences. And yeah, I know that when we are feeling really down, comments like mine may sound like mambo jambo, but someday my words will make sence damion. You will get through all that, I'm sure of it. Pople with gifts like yours are meant to be great...Despite the fact that I never met you in person I can thell that there's a this light in you that few people have. You will be OK, I'm positive! :)
Stay strong buddy and make the world a better place by sharing your amazing art wih us!
Tons of hugs to u D.
XD awesome, very very funny
WOW!!! VANESSA AND FRANCISCO... you guys are to too two kind and amazing. I have no words!!! your comments are both motivating and touching!!! thank you so sooooo much for that!!!
He look like all his brain power went to his body! ... what a dumbass! lol
This guy pops off the page! Wicked piece!
Thanks for the compliment...this one is sick!!! You never cease to amaze me with you work!!!
Amazing my friend!!!!!!!!!!
That's hilarious!! and I hope things start going a little easier.
Lol, imagin he would have as much brain as muscles ... how he would look like? Amazind indeed, love the backlight and the shadows.
FANTASTIC! Nice piece!
Brilliant Damion - great treatment of light - AND - he's going to be a really big boy when he grows up !!
BEAUTIFUL BRO. you are too good for such a young dood. Your Fan~T
This is STRONG !! ;)
Amazing exageration!
I'll just throw my hat in and say this is super
man, you are a master of light and shadow! sorry to hear you're going through a rough patch, I'm sure things will pick up for you soon though!
nice shapes. looking forward to further posts
Great stuff
hahaha cool!!!!
Wow!!! I thought it was a sculpture at first. You are amazing!
Reminds me of what I see in the mirror in the mornings...
Excellent !
Awesome as always!
WOAH! look at those angles. that's crazy stuff, love how you do this with your work, so whacky...yet...believable? you sir, are talented.
btw, nice touch, love Gold Lion. :D
WOW!!! thanks guys!!!! :D
haha this is awesome! Your whole body of work is.
Hope everything works out :)
Just Awesome, Damion!
Cool, it's me, but without my tattoos!
I just wish you had painted me a bigger schlong. My biceps are a tad bigger too. Great work, chin up, brush down, keep them coming, because there are just too many people hungry for your work.
How do you work out you tablet? Mine never listens to me :( Great drawing as well! Hope things go smooth for you!
Yo wassup D? Keep ya head high homie! Things will turn around. Just be ready! Amazing art as usual.
Hahahah!!! gimp. How do you maintain natrual look?... Great work as always.
Jamie Holmes.
heheh :D NICE STUFF!!!!
A person with you talent SHOULDN'T GO THROUGH HARD TIMES!
crazy cool .
Excellent and funny.
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