This drawing of the king is my way of saying good bye, and it was an HONOUR! I can't say how sad and hurt i am about the world losing one of the most beautiful individuals god has ever made! He brought so many people joy. EVEN THOUGH SO MANY TRIED TO BRING HIM DOWN! His whole life was spent trying to make other people happy. with his music, personal time, his home was constructed to make children happy. And we take the fact that he loved kids, flipped it, and called him a monster! but now that he's gone we see him for what he really was. I hate that we have to lose someone to truly see there worth. I couldn't see Michael Jackson dying I always thought he would live forever. Even now it hasn't really hit me yet. I hope it never hits me! i want to forever think of him as alive and well. in closing, i love you M.J. and i always will!